Casino or goodfellas which is better

Which is a better movie, Goodfellas or Casino? - Quora

Casino is a rip-off of Goodfellas as far as the narrative structure is concerned. Goodfellas has a better supporting cast. Casino is the complete story of the rise and fall of an empire due to a few men's greed and pride while the story of Goodfellas is more lacking. Casino or Goodfellas? - On the one hand Goodfellas was first and Casino is rather similar, but personally, for myself I've actually come to the opinion that Casino is better, when I sat down and watched it all again, I just had more fun watching Casino, I actually liked Joe Pescis character of Nicky, more than Tommy, although of course, they are both great, I feel the ... Casino is better than Goodfellas | Page 5 | Sherdog Forums ... I feel like they are quite similar but ALWAYS felt that Goodfellas was the originator and Casino was the imitator. Not even a knock against Casino- it's a great film, but I just felt like Scorsese did almost everything he did with Casino in Goodfellas and did it better or at least more memorably the first time around. Casino vs Goodfellas — Digital Spy

“GoodFellas” or “Casino“? The question as to which of Martin Scorsese’s mafia masterpieces is now one nuance better than the other is to be answered idly.

'CASINO' or 'GOODFELLAS' which do you prefer ... goodfellas has its place in the top 10 mob movies, dont get me wrong, but the whole goodfellas type story has been done in a lot of movies. casino on the other hand is the only mob movie to actually delve into the whole the "mob run las vegas" of the 50's-70's. which i was fortunate enough to visit and experience in the day. and they got it right. Is Goodfellas better than Casino? | Kialo Casino is a rip-off of Goodfellas as far as the narrative structure is concerned. Goodfellas has a better supporting cast. Casino is the complete story of the rise and fall of an empire due to a few men's greed and pride while the story of Goodfellas is more lacking. Casino > Goodfellas | Page 3 | re: Casino > Goodfellas Posted by shadymilkman on 4/26/19 at 11:55 pm to wareaglepete I like Casino better until De Niro marries Sharon Stone. After that, Goodfellas is better.

Casino vs Goodfellas |

CASINO or GOODFELLAS? Which is better? -

Mar 10, 2019 · Both Goodfellas and Casino are great films, but I think that out of the two, Casino is better because it’s more ambitious in scope than Goodfellas was.Casino has a similar anatomy to Goodfellas, and I think that this causes people to believe that the film is unoriginal when compared to Scorsese’s other works.However, I feel that Casino is a perfect depiction of the rise and fall of the

Goodfellas was voted best film of all time by Total Film critics in 2006, surpassing the likes of Citizen Kane, Vertigo, and Jaws, whilst Casino was absent, and appears at no. 94 on the American Film Institute’s Top 100 Films (again, no Casino). Casino better than Goodfellas? - Casino (1995) Discussion ... We always seem to get a lot of these threads comparing Casino with Goodfellas. One point that someone raised a long time ago that chimed with me was that those from the Western part of the United States seemed to like Casino more, since it was set in the West, whereas those in the Eastern part of the United States ostensibly liked Goodfellas.

Casino is better than Goodfellas | Page 5 | Sherdog Forums ...

Casino is a 1995 film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone, who earned a Golden Globe and an Academy Award …

Nov 13, 2018 · On the one hand Goodfellas was first and Casino is rather similar, but personally, for myself I've actually come to the opinion that Casino is better, when I sat down and watched it all again, I just had more fun watching Casino, I actually liked Joe Pescis character of Nicky, more than Tommy, although of course, they are both great, I feel the Casino or Goodfellas | Hip Forums May 03, 2007 · Which movie do you think is better Casino or Goodfellas? Personally i thought Goodfellas was better but i still loved Casino. I just think Goodfellas had better scenes, stoppin at Tommy's moms house with the guy in the trunk and diggin … Casino vs Goodfellas — Digital Spy I guess most people prefer Goodfellas because it came first but Casino is better i is goodfellas x3. The sets and costumes are amazing, the way its shot, All the leads are great .Joe pesci is even crazier and Sharon Stone is better in the female lead then the girl from Goodfellas.